Centrix Inc.

Address: 770 River Road
Shelton, CT 06484
Main Phone: 800-235-5862
Main Fax: 203-929-6804
Website: https://www.centrixdental.com
  Our Values: Centrix values improving the practice of dentistry and improving the dental health of the world population through the development, promotion and sales (and where appropriate, donation) of simple, innovative and effective products that Make Dentistry Easier. We are committed to working hard, ethically, openly and fairly with our employees, our customers, our suppliers, and our community, AND HAVE FUN DOING IT! Our Vision: To achieve excellence as a Dental Company by consistently beating the competition in customer focus, quality, sales growth, profitability, and innovation Our Mission: We Make Dentistry Easier! Our Commitment to Quality: Centrix is committed to compliance with all domestic and international regulations, standards and customer requirements. Our goal is to continually improve our business by listening to our customers and employees; and through our constant desire to do things better.

Document Library

Folder Document
Product Sell Sheets AbsoLute - Self-Adhesive Resin Cement
Product Sell Sheets Access - Automix Temporary Cement
Product Sell Sheets Access Crown - Bis-Acryl Composite for Provisional
Product Sell Sheets Access Edge - Clay-Based Gingival Retracrion Paste
Product Sell Sheets AccuDose - Disposable Tubes & Plugs
Product Sell Sheets Benda Brush
Product Sell Sheets Benda Micro Products
Product Sell Sheets C-R Syringes - Dental Material Delivery Systems
Product Sell Sheets Calciject - Calcium Hydroxide Paste
Product Sell Sheets Champ - Pit & Fissure Sealant
Product Sell Sheets Connexio - Self-Etch Bond
Product Sell Sheets D/Sense Crystal - Dual-Action Crystal Precipitate
Product Sell Sheets Encore D/C Automix - Dual-Cure Core Buildup Materi
Product Sell Sheets Encore D/C Minimix - Unit Dose Dual-Cure Core Buil
Product Sell Sheets EndoKit - Root Canal Therapy
Product Sell Sheets EveryBond - Light-Activated Universal Dental Adhes
Product Sell Sheets Expose - Caries Indicator
Product Sell Sheets FlouroDose - 5% Sodium Flouride Varnish
Product Sell Sheets GingiTrac - Hands-Free Gingival Retraction System
Product Sell Sheets GingiTrac MiniMix - Hands-Free Gingival Retraction
Product Sell Sheets Glu/Sense - HEMA/Gluteraldehyde Desensitizer
Product Sell Sheets GripStrip
Product Sell Sheets IsoVue - Reflective Oral Devices
Product Sell Sheets LubeCube - Composite Instrument Cleaner and Lubric
Product Sell Sheets NoMIX - Moisture-Activated Temporary Cement
Product Sell Sheets RapidCore - Self-Cure Composite Resin
Product Sell Sheets RapidCore MiniMix - Self-Cure Composite Resin
Product Sell Sheets SuperCure
Product Sell Sheets Tempit - Tempit Line of Temporary Filling

Rep List

Folder Location Name Name Phone Email