Royal Dental Group

Address:   12414 Highway 99, #29
Everett, WA 98204
Main Phone:   Go to Details/Scroll Down to Rep List for Local#
Main Fax:   425-353-7651
Overview:   The Royal Dental Group (Biotec, Proma, Royal)together provide Dental Operatory Equipment designed to: Improve the Ergonomic principles of the entire dental team and facilitate access to the oral cavity. Deliver clean, Organized work environments that foster efficiency and healthy procedures. Integrating Technology in a manner that enhances patient care without compromise. From Manufacturers committed to: Value, Flexibility and Reliability. Delivering durability, function, and superior materials for a fair price. Offering the widest range of products and options to provide custom solutions. With over 30 years of service and support provided by a superior group of representatives and full-service dealers.